Pain with sex

Men and women can both experience pelvic floor muscle dysfunction that can lead to discomfort with intercourse. Pain during sex (dyspareunia) is very common. For many, the search for help can be a frustrating and unproductive journey of referrals from one doctor to another (gynecologist, urologist, pain specialist, urogynecologist, psychiatrist/phsychologist)- adding to the frustration. Some patients even have surgery for issues related to dyspareunia with unfortunately no change in symptoms. A missing link can be your pelvic floor muscles and also the mind/body connection to these muscles. After being evaluated by a physician to rule out other medical conditions, musculoskeletal causes of painful sex need to be explored.

Some diagnoses include:

  • Vestibulodynia (vulvar vestibulitis) or vulvodynia 

  • Interstitial cystitis 

  • Painful episiotomy 

  • Sexual trauma or abuse

  • Scar tissue restriction/ adhesions 

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Pelvic floor muscle spasm 

  • Endometriosis

  • slip/fall related trauma to the pelvis

  • Postpartum

    There is always a reason you are having pain. I have found that the most important step is first achieving a mind/body connection within yourself. We will work on safe movement, regulating the nervous system, and pain reprocessing. The body and mind must be treated as a whole. 🧡 This way, you are creating your own healing system.


The initial education and guidance I give all my pelvic floor patients- no matter the diagnosis, Is outlined in the mini-course below. Give it a try and let me know how you feel!


With compassion and understanding, you can get started on your healing journey. I am here to answer any questions about how pelvic floor physical therapy or my online programs can help guide you.


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