Pudendal Neuralgia

Pudendal neuralgia is a painful condition that occurs in both men and women. This happens when the pudendal nerve becomes compressed or irritated as it runs its course through the gluteal and pelvic floor muscles. Patients who suffer from pudendal neuralgia often describe their pain as burning, numbness, pins and needles, stabbing, stinging or cramping along the path of the pudendal nerve- often times in the genitals or the anal-rectal area. Often times, finally being diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia can be a difficult and long journey through medical providers.


  • Pelvic trauma from a fall or injury

  • Pelvic trauma from surgery

  • Childbirth

  • Prolonged sitting

  • Cycling

  • Chronic constipation


The mainstay treatment of pudendal neuralgia is conservative therapy. * Most patients suffering from pudendal neuralgia demonstrate significant muscle spasm and subsequent muscle shortening throughout the pelvic girdle. In order words, your pelvic floor muscles and possibly the surrounding hip muscles are tensed up.

I have found that the most important step is first achieving a mind/body connection within yourself. We will work on safe movement, regulating the nervous system, and pain reprocessing. The body and mind must be treated as a whole. 🧡 This way, you are creating your own healing system.

In patients with muscles spasms, pelvic floor physical therapy in the gold standard treatment.


The initial education and guidance I give all my pelvic floor patients- no matter the diagnosis, Is outlined in the mini-course below. Give it a try and let me know how you feel!


With compassion and understanding, you CAN get started on your healing journey. I am here to answer any questions about how pelvic floor physical therapy or my online programs can help guide you.


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*Benson JT, Griffis K. Pudendal neuralgia, a severe pain syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;192(5):1663-8